FUNG HARDWARE DECORATION LIMITED has always been committed to providing the most considerate shopping experience.

In order to protect the interests of FUNG HARDWARE DECORATION LIMITED customers, all products enjoy a 7-day product replacement guarantee. If there are quality problems with the products, they will be replaced with new products on a one-for-one basis.

If the customer finds a problem with the product within seven days after receiving the goods, and it is confirmed to be a factory defect after inspection (and the following conditions must be met), the customer can replace the product with the same model (this provision does not apply to certain products). Only exchangeable once per purchase. Customers must bring the product to the store for inspection and replacement. Our company acts as a retailer, and the guarantee content and process completely depend on the brand or agent. Please forgive us.

The following conditions need to be met:

  1. The goods must be packaged completely without any damage or scratches;
  2. The product body number (if any) must match the information on the invoice.
  3. If the replacement product is not in stock, the customer can exchange it for another product of equal value.
  4. When replacing goods, customers must present valid invoices, receipts, and unfilled warranty forms.
  5. Products for replacement or refund may be inspected by the agent to confirm that the product quality does not meet production standards. Youhe reserves the right to require customers to go to the designated agent's repair center to inspect the product.
  6. Some manufacturers require our company to receive a machine inspection paper from the manufacturer before they can replace it for customers. Most manufacturers of mobile phones, tablets, computers, and large electrical appliances require machine inspection paper to prove that there is no human damage.
  7. This exchange guarantee does not apply if the product is subject to price fluctuations in the market, limited-time discount price changes, or/and software issues requiring return.
  8. Customers must return the gifts included with their purchase, otherwise we will need to deduct the value of the gifts.

Product returns or exchanges will not be provided except in the following circumstances (including but not limited to):

  • Man-made damage, including but not limited to: accidental damage, negligent use, product entering water, impact, scratching, improper use, self-modification, etc.
  • Products involving software or connectivity issues: such as products with Bluetooth or WIFI connection or control, and products that require software to be installed on a computer, mobile phone or tablet before they can be used.
  • The product purchase or delivery period has exceeded 7 days
  • Product packaging has been damaged, discarded, or lost
  • Unable to return all original accessories, manuals, unfilled warranty certificates, etc.
  • Don’t like it for personal reasons or change your mind after purchasing it
  • Reasons such as inappropriate product color, size, color difference, or appearance defects that do not affect function
  • Products that must be personally tested and confirmed by the agent or manufacturer
  • Specials, promotions and discounted products
  • Any freebies and trial size gifts
  • Daily necessities or consumable products
  • Due to hygiene issues, all personal health, hygiene products and intimate products are not returnable or exchangeable.
  • alcoholic beverages
  • Specially ordered or customized products.
  • Some product brands or agents have designated inspection and replacement procedures, and may need to be replaced by the agent at your doorstep. Please forgive me.